Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Daily Worldwide News: Mitt Romney- ‘Speech to Tri State Tea Party’

Source:Daily Worldwide News- Governor Mitt Romney (Republican, Massachusetts) speaking to the Tri-State Tea Party.

Source:The Daily Post

“Mitt Romney addressed the Tri-State Tea Party in Philadelphia on April 16, 2012 here it is.” 

In a way I feel for Mitt Romney, I don’t feel sorry for him, but it’s almost impossible for me to feel sorry for anyone worth 200M$. But I feel for him because he almost has to go back to the future for him to fit in the Republican Party.

Mitt Romney is a Northeastern Republican that probably looks up to Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater and others. But now running for President in a Southern, religious, populist party, that now looks up to Jerry Falwell and the Southern Baptist Convention. And sees Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan as Liberals.

Imagine that, Barry Goldwater and Ron Reagan Liberals. Basically the two fathers of the conservative movement, the two men that put conservatism on the map in American politics, as Liberals. Which would be like calling Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann Libertarians. Or calling Ron Paul a Socialist.

If the Tea Party was something of its own, not so in bed with the Christian Right, like they are lovers having affairs with other people’s spouses, then maybe I could believe the Tea Party would get behind the Mitt Romney’s of the world.

This is why Mitt Romney doesn’t fit in with the Tea Party. He’s from Massachusetts, he was their Governor. He’s Mormon, he’s a Northeastern Republican. The Christian Right considers Northeastern Republicans part of another political party, like the Democratic Party. Back in the day Mitt supported equality for homosexuals, meaning they shouldn’t be discriminated by law, because of their sexuality. And still holds that position today. Wait five minutes and maybe he’ll change it.

Mitt Romney as Governor of Massachusetts signed “RomneyCare” into law, which four years later became “ObamaCare”. Mitt doesn’t believe things like pornography, gambling and homosexuality should be against the law. The Christian Right the brothers and sisters of the Tea Party, believes they should be outlawed in America and consider them to be threats to national security. I’ve laid out the thought process’s of both the Tea Party/Christian Right and Mitt Romney. If you’re still awake and have read all of that, you know how they are completely different.

Now the populist Tea Party/Christian-Right, they are supposed to vote for Mitt for President. I’ve heard the argument that the Tea Party/Christian Right will vote for Mitt Romney to defeat President Obama. I heard the same argument made about John Kerry in 2004 that so-called Progressives (Democratic Socialists, in actuality) would vote for Senator Kerry because they wanted to defeat President Bush. And if you haven’t been in a coma all this time, you know how that presidential election went. Mitt Romney is past his time in the Republican Party.

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