Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Sunday, September 2, 2012

ABC News: Nightline- October 1980 Presidential Campaign

Source:ABC News- Nightline anchor Ted Koppel.
"ABC's Nightline looks at the 1980 Presidential Campaign" 

From Bob Parker

The last week of the 1980 presidential election was actually fairly close, but it became a landslide for Ron Reagan during the last weekend of this election. It was probably the presidential debates where you could argue that President Jimmy Carter won on points and knowledge of the issues, but where Governor Reagan came off as likable, witty, optimistic, a man with a vision and enough knowledge of the issues to do a good job as President. 

Even if Americans weren't with Ronald Reagan on even many issues, they we're tired of the gloom and doom of Jimmy Carter, the Congressional Democrats and the late 1970s and wanted real positive change for America. Which is very understandable if you are familiar with the 1970s and especially the late 1970s with high unemployment, high inflation, and interest rates. And an administration and Congress that didn't seem to know what to do about any of these issues. And you have a Conservative Republican in Ronald Reagan who at least had a vision for where he wanted to take the country built around lower regulations and taxes. 

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