Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Thursday, November 1, 2012

HBO: 'The Buzz: Ethel Premiere'

Source:HBO- from HBO's film about Ethel Kennedy.
"The Buzz was at the premiere of the HBO Documentary, "Ethel."


This is a documentary about Ethel Kennedy who of course was the wife of former U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Senator from New York Robert F. Kennedy. As well as the sister in-law of President John F. Kennedy and sister in-law of U.S. Senator from MassachusettsTed Kennedy. Who is now in her late eighties and still reasonable healthy and has survived her husband by over forty years.

Not as high profiled as former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy who after she left the White House due to her husband's assassination in 1963 because a New York celebrity in the fashion on journalism scene. Ethel has been more laid back and has stayed away from the spotlight and has been more of a behind the scenes figure in the Kennedy Family and their political dynasty. And has done work fundraising for her family when they've run for office and has raised money for other causes. She was critical to her husband's political success in the 1960s as far as offering advice and keeping his strength up, but not as public as a figure. 

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