Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Friday, May 17, 2013

NWA: Barry Windham vs Ric Flair: World Heavyweight Championship (1986)

Source:NWA- one of the best NWA matches ever.

Source:The Daily Post 
"This channel is dedicated to the memory of Championship Wrestling From Florida.
If you are able to support my efforts please donate what you can. 
Your support will help me to continue to preserve the memory of 
the greatest wrestling territory ever." 
Barry Windham is one of the best all around pro wrestlers of all-time. With great size, strength, athletic ability and intelligence. 6'6 275 pounds, at least in his prime, 15-20 twenty pounds lighter than that when he was younger. But someone who could beat you up with all sorts of moves, but who could also wrestle. Could body slam you, suplex you, but could also hit you with great dropkicks and flying close lines. Just a nightmare to have to wrestle unless you were also a big strong wrestler who could wrestle. Because he had so many ways who could hurt you. 
Classic matchup of a the pure wrestler in Ric Flair, vs. the young, big, strong, stud. Who was a great power and finesse wrestler, Windham could wrestle you either way. Take on a Sting, Lex Lugar, Nikita Koloff, the Road Warriors, Dusty Rhoades, but could also and beat someone like Ric Flair or Ricky Steamboat. And if you want to call pro wrestlers the total package, for me that would be Lex Lugar as he called himself, but Barry Windham was certainly that as well. But even more athletic than Lex Lugar.

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