Life is a Highway

Life is a Highway

Thursday, August 23, 2012

U.S. House: Judiciary Committee Votes To Impeach President Richard M. Nixon (1974)

Source:Associated Press- U.S. Representative Lawrence Hogan (Republican, Maryland) member of the House Judiciary Committee.

"(28 Jul 1974) House Judiciary Committee take vote to impeach US President Richard Nixon" 

Short of President Richard Nixon resigning the moment or at least day that the tape that came out that had him telling his Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman, to block the FBI from going into the Watergate break in any further, the House had no choice but to move to impeach President Nixon. 

The country can't afford to have a President who knowingly commits criminal acts while as President, as well as tries to cover up other criminal acts. The President of the United States is the Chief Executive Office of the country and therefor is held to a really high standard and certainly is not above the law. 

When Congress is notified that the President is involved in criminal activitirities and and has even committed some himself, they must remove the President right there. Government oversight of the executive is one of the key functions of Congress. No matter which party is in control of the executive or Congress. They can't remove a President at least credibly, because they don't like him or disagree with him. But when he's clearly guilty of breaking the law, the must impeach him in the House and convict him in the Senate.

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